Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I am home SICK??

This morning i woke up and turned on the TV. I saw the commercial that said the new shoes are coming out today and they will be sold at Macy's. I had to be the first one to get those shoes. But wait...i have school today. How am I possibly going to be able to go to the mall if i have school today. By the end of the school people probably already have gotten those shoes. No, I have to go and get them. But how? OH SHUT! mom's coming in my room to wake me up...

Good morning Aekangi, says my mom. Good morning mom! Are you ready for school yet? asked my mom. Umm..actually not really. i told her that i think i have a fever. So she went to get me something to put in my mouth to check my temperature. While she was gone, i realized that i had bunch of coins in my first drawer so i rushed and got a penny and before she entered my room, i put it in my mouth. When she checked my temperature it was pretty high and so she told me to stay home in bed while she went to work and finished all her school work. Before she left, she made me a big cup of hot chocolate and gave me medication. And she left.

YES! mom fell for that trick. As soon as she left the room, I immediately went and took a shower really fast and changed into a nice pair of clothes. Then i went downstairs and checked which car i could drive to the mall with. I realized that my Mercedes S500 was in the driveway along with my dad's ugly van. So i sat in the car and left to go to the mall. By car the mall is usually 5-7 minutes away depending on traffic. For 10 minutes i was looking for a car. And then i thought to myself, who could possibly be going to the mall on a Wednesday and that too at 1:00 pm when everybody usually works at this time!

Somehow I managed to find a parking place and i rushed into the store. When i checked out all the shoes, i saw that those shoes weren't there. So i called a person that worked there and he told me that they got sold out! I was REALLY mad! With the disappointed mood and went back home and went straight to my bed. In a few minutes, my mom entered the room. She was really mad and in a angry voice, she asked me where i went. I could not tell her that i went to the mall so i led and told her that i went to the shop around the corner to grab some medication because i couldn't find some in my room or yours. She then told me that she saw me in the mall at the store while she was getting my surprise birthday gift. To cheer her up, i asked her what she got me and guess what, they were the shoes. I was really happy but my mom was so mad. She then grounded me and gave me the shoes to wear to school the next day!


  1. This is a cute story about staying home sick. I like the irony of how your mom ended up buying the shoes you had to fake sick for! Nice job.

  2. This story sounds real.
    I think the same thing happened to me a couple days ago. I did not know about that penny trick. It sounds pretty nasty if you think about it. Other people may have tried that same "trick" you described. The penny could even be one that fell on a dirty bathroom floor. It could even be a penny that a toddler swallowed, then shat out, then the parents did not want to waste money took it out. You just put that in your mouth. EWWWWWWWWWW.
    I like how you elaborated the first part. You built up the story so much. Then the climax happens so quickly, it was as if it happened so fast for you.
